MindfulYou Experiences

Are you ready for the healing experience of your life? Whether you want relief from trauma, physical pain, connect to your inner self, find your spirituality or simply expand your conscious awareness, you have found the right place to learn if plant-based healing methods are right for you. 

Plant-Based Medicine Retreats

MindfulYou Experiences offers the full immersion in plant-based medicines from an ancestral healing ceremony with Grandmother Yagé also known as ayahuasca retreat or Bufo Toad Ceremony, Kambo for physical cleansing and healing, Hapey (Rapé) for deeper meditation and connection, heart-opening Cacao, or Psilocybin/Mushroom ceremony. These sacred medicines are delivered by masters in their field from the Inga tribe Shaman from the Jojoa lineage or husband and wife team Adriana and Rodolfo who have over 15 years experience healing with ancestral medicines. In addition, you will be accompanied by your guide from MindfulYou who will closely walk with you on this journey coordinating travel and helping to integrate with group and individual sessions every step of the way so that all you focus on is your own healing.  

These types of life-changing experiences with plant-based medicines can cost anywhere from $2,000 a day resulting in upwards of  $5,000-$10,000 for treatment facilities. However, at MindfulYou Experiences we believe that all people should have access to these healing medicines that currently only the top 1% of the world have access to. This is why we have personally traveled to find genuine, authentic and above all safe and heart-centered practitioners with ethical medicine methods honoring ancestral peoples and traditions. We are not partnering with for-profit business-based clinics that are simply getting rich from people in need. We are very proud of our cost-effective practices that have allowed us to bring the medicine to the people. We know that this may be a huge investment in yourself so we honor you for taking this step towards a better life.  This is why we hope that you spread the word to help us keep our costs down and also pay through Zelle or no-fee payment options so that we can continue to have a wide reach with affordability.

Why Psychedelic Medicine?

Plant-based medicines, specifically of a psychedelic nature have been used in indegenous medicinal traditions for thousands of years. Science is now beginning to utilize clinical trials to show the effectiveness of psychedelic medicines to help such conditions as Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, and Pain. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that psychedelic therapy was associated with a significant decrease in suicidality in a meta-analysis across 7 clinical trials. In addition, The American Journal of Psychiatry published “Randomized clinical trials support the efficacy of MDMA in the treatment of PTSD and psilocybin (as a retreat) in the treatment of depression and cancer-related anxiety. The research to support the use of LSD and ayahuasca in the treatment of psychiatric disorders is preliminary, although promising.” Sage Journals published that 7 out 9 cancer patients of different types of cancer found improvements in their illness after Ayahuasca treatments. There is a large and growing body of research that should be read and considered to make an informed decision as to whether or not this transformative healing modality is right for you and your personal situation. 

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What are Plant-Based Medicines?

What is Ayahuasca?

It is called “The Grandmother” Yage as it is known in Colombia or Ayahuasca as it is more popularly known. Technically it is an entheogenic brew made from the Yage vine and the Chacruna leaf. It is used in traditional ceremonies among the indigenous tribes of the Amazon, namely Peru, Columbia and Ecuador. It contains DMT, a powerful psychedelic and monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOIs), which work synergistically with DMT to produce a long-lasting psychedelic experience. The medicine is brought to us under the guidance of Taita Jose Francisco Jojoa a Traditional Indigenous Healer and Shaman from the long lineage of the Inga tribe from Colombia and his family who consider this healing work sacred. Many have sought Ayahuasca for the great visions and connection to the higher realms or simply physical and emotional healing from past trauma or illness. Please research further into the substance, the process and evidence-based studies that have been published in this field. 

What is Bufo Alvarius?

Bufo Alvarius or 5-MeO-DMT is the milky white secretion from the Sonoran Desert Toad that is commonly known as the God Molecule due to the extremely powerful experience that many have reported as to “meeting God” or having a Near-Death Experience. In the limited research available most participants show an increase in life satisfaction and a reduction in depression and anxiety. It has also been hailed as effective at eliminating substance use and decreasing pain in the body such as migraines as well as for healing trauma such as sexual/physical abuse. This substance is smoked and the experience lasts for about 20-40 minutes. The husband and wife team of Adriana and Alfonso provide the medicine and work on an energetic level for the use of the medication in healing your body and mind.

What is Kambo?

Kambo is the frog secretion of the Giant Leaf Frog. It is not a psychedelic medicine and generally not illegal in the United States. This medicine is mostly for physical healing due to bio-active peptides and neuropeptides although it can also be psycho-spiritual. Little research has been formally done, however, Kambo is mostly sought after for its healing effects on the body for viruses, cancer, and general illnesses of the body to include HIV, fibromialgia, migraines, asthma, allergies, herpes, etc. In addition, it boosts the immunity, cell regeneration and overall strengthens the health of your body as a powerful anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and anti-aging agent. For more information please visit www.thethirdwave.co

What is Hapey/Rapé?

The word in Spanish is Rapé pronounced like “rapey”, however due to the word’s close appearance to a negatively connotated word in English, some have changed its name in English to Hapey. Nevertheless, it is a Sacred Shamanic smokeless tobacco native to South America. This powerful medicine honors Grandfather Tobacco in its natural and original form known for its powerful centering, third-eye opening, and healing properties. Rapé is a legal substance around the world but little is known about its sacred practice and many misconceptions about the medicine will be discussed and explained in the ceremony. 

For more information on any of these medicines please visit www.thethirdwave.co or conduct your own research on your trusted sites. 


Travel to meet the sacred medicines in either Playa del Carmen or Akumal, Mexico or retreat in Putumayo Colombia and engage in the ancestral ceremonies led by the masters in the jungle. Depending on your own individual situation and package, you will be guided through your experience with safety, authenticity and healing in mind. With the MindfulYou all immersive experience, you will have the opportunity to be guided through the preparation process, journey as a group and integrate the experience both through the group and individually. You will also have access to the “members-only” monthly group meeting and Private Facebook Group for further questions, processing and community. Click on the different packages to learn more. 

Plant- Medicines Journey

Bufo, Kambo, Rapé(Hapey), Cacao, and Temazcal (Sweat Lodge) – Akumal, Mexico

  • Total Reset Package – 4 to 7 day retreat
  • A New You Package – 7 to 14 day retreat

*Prices are subject to change and depends on locations, medicines, days and availability

Ayahuasca Journey

Ayahuasca Ceremony, Temascal (Sweat Lodge), Ecstatic Dance – Playa Del Carmen, Mexico

  •  Awakening Package in Playa del Carmen,  Mexico 4 days
  • Immersive Healing Retreat Package in Colombia’s Amazon forest from 5 to 10 days.

About Me

Yessica Avancena, LMFT, MBA, is a certified mindfulness teacher and a therapist trained in psychedelic retreat assisted psychotherapy. She has received a certification from the leading psychedelic research agency MAPS corporation in MDMA Assisted Psychotherapy, and Polaris Insight for Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy where she practiced at the Ketamine Infusion Center. She has been an avid student of Yage/Ayahuasca with the lineage of the Jojoa Inga tribe and has journeyed many times in Mexico and Colombia under their tutelage. She has many years of experience as a traditional psychotherapist training many new associate therapists at the masters university level and at her own clinics of intensive outpatient care focusing on Mindfulness-based practices. Walking along someones’ healing journey is her passion. The transformational stories she has personally seen through the healing power of plant-based medicines rivals nothing she has seen in Western medicine and methods. She is the combination of knowledge, grounding and heart that is  needed to walk along someones’ healing journey. Yessica is a native Spanish-speaker and handles all logistics and ceremonies as an instant translator into English.

Awakening Package Includes

Free exploration call to determine if this experience is right for you. Intake appointment is included in your preparation sessions to consider aspects such as health issues, mental health, substance use, reason for attending and willingness amongst many other considerations.

Preparation Sessions

Two (2) preparation sessions are included with your package that will include delving into the issues that you wish to work on during your journey, how to best prepare for your Ayahuasca Experience, what to expect before/during/after, address any fears or concerns you may have, any other issues pertaining to the experience or your particular situation. More preparation sessions can be obtained if needed at an individual rate.


Hotel accommodations for 3 nights (Thursday through Saturday) with breakfast along with pick up from the airport to your hotel and back to the airport is included in your package, however, airfare travel is NOT included. Transportation to and from the Ayahuasca Ceremony is also provided. You arrive one-day before the ceremony on a Thursday when the opening group takes place, Friday is the day of the ceremony and Saturday is a rest and integration day with a closing group meeting in the evening. You may choose to stay longer at your own discretion.

Ayahuasca Ceremony

The ceremony usually takes place on Friday evening into the night and will take place in a private ranch in the Riviera Mayan Jungle. You will be taken to and from the ceremony. There will be morning snacks provided but fasting begins at 3 pm or earlier if possible the day of the take. You can bring comfort items such as sleeping bags, hammock, pillow, blanket, water bottle, anything else you feel is appropriate. Ceremony begins at midnight and concludes at 8 am with a closing circle ceremony.

Temazcal or Herbal bath

On day one of your retreat you will have the option of either a temazcal or an herbal bath. This will be pre-arranged for you and you will be provided transportation to and from the clinic. A Temazcal is commonly known as a Sweat Lodge Ceremony. This does not utilize any substance to be taken, however it is an excellent way to prepare for Ayahuasca and help to cleanse the body of toxins and engage the healing response of your own immune system. An herbal bath is very soothing, relaxing and healing utilizing a therapy of womb regression to help with the concept of “rebirth”.

Post Ayahuasca Ceremony

Included in your package is a post-integration morning group meeting and return to the airport. You may stay additional nights or time based on your own plans. Included in the package is a somatic dance session, group beach swim.

Included in your package are two (2) individual post-integration sessions the following week and then 2 weeks later. Additional sessions can be obtained if needed at an individual rate.

Total Reset Package Includes:

Free exploration call to determine if this experience is right for you. Intake appointment is included in your preparation sessions to consider aspects such as health issues, mental health, substance use, reason for attending and willingness amongst many other considerations.

Preparation Sessions

Two (2) preparation sessions are included with your package that will include delving into the issues that you wish to work on during your journey, how to best prepare for your Bufo/Kambo Experience, what to expect before/during/after, address any fears or concerns you may have, any other issues pertaining to the experience or your particular situation. More preparation sessions can be obtained if needed at an individual rate.


Cabin accommodations, meals at the retreat center and pick up from the airport to your hotel and back to the airport is included in your package, however, airfare travel is NOT included. You will need to arrive to the airport no later than 1:30 pm in order to make the check-in process and opening session. You may need to arrive the night before, that can be discussed.  Transportation while at the retreat center for any personal reasons are not included.

Bufo - Kambo Ceremony and retreat

The retreat begins in the afternoon of Thursday through Sunday. You will follow your own customized experience based on your treatment goals and medicines you will be taking that was established at the intake assessment. There will be an opening ceremony and Hapey circle to begin. The second day will engage Kambo and Bufo, then finish with a Traditional Temazcal/Sweat Lodge with a final. Cacao closing ceremony. There will be an optional yoga class, group meditation experience while at the retreat as available. You leave the retreat Sunday morning and may extend your stay in the area at your own discretion.

Post-Integration Sessions

Included in your package are two (2) individual post-integration sessions the following week and then 2 weeks later. Additional sessions can be obtained if needed at an individual rate.

“Ayahuasca has been the single-most transformative change-agent of my life. From my very first journey I experienced ego-death and what would be considered Judgment Day and then Heaven on earth. I was forever changed by this experience and I have now walked the path of Yage that has continued to heal me and open me up for more and more. If everyone had the experience I had, the world would be a much better place.”

– KP

“Ayahuasca healed my childhood trauma's that 15+ years of therapy couldn't. Come prepared, do the work beforehand, set an intention and the results will be life changing.”


Frequently asked questions

How do I get considered for a healing journey experience?

Click the BOOK NOW, fill out the form and a MindfulYou representative will contact you to schedule your intake appointment along with paperwork. Once that process is completed, all your questions will be answered and the right experience will be determined along with eligibility for the retreat.

For more information on any of these medicines please visit www.thethirdwave.co or conduct your own research on your trusted sites. 

Who is considered a good fit for the plant-based medicine healing experiences?

Individuals in generally good health, mild to moderate mental health concerns and some prior substance use with established clean and sober time. Individuals going on their own accord, generally with an open mind and willingness for change.

Who is generally not recommended and will need to be cleared before being accepted into the plant medicine healing experiences?

Individuals who have very significant health issues and on medications they cannot be without. Although those who are terminally ill or with conditions such as cancer may still be able to attend depending on their particular situation. In the specific case of Bufo, the person must be off of most psychotropic medications for 1 month, specifically any MAOIs to include but not limited to Prozac, Cymbalta, Zoloft, Lexapro, any benzodiazepines like Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin etc. Other medications may also apply. Ayahuasca requires at least 3 days off of medications, however 5 days to 2 weeks is preferred. Individuals with active or past psychosis, traumatic brain injury or developmental disability, may not qualify.  Individuals with current previously severe substance dependence of any drug or alcohol with less than 6 months clean time. Individuals who are not attending on their own accord or willingness.

Can I bring a Support Person?

Yes! It is at times recommended and often beneficial that you bring one emotional support person along with you on your journey. They will not take part in any of the medicines but can participate in the groups and stay with you. Generally the cost is commensurate with the travel expenses and can be discussed prior but usually about $500-$700 depending on accommodations, transportation costs and food as well as the length of the retreat. If the support person believes they may partake in any of the medicines, they must also have their own intake appointment, be cleared for the medicines and pay the price per package. 

Supportive Roommate- You may also be paired up with a roommate for the experiences if you wish to be each other’s support.

Is there purging with the medicines?

With Ayahuasca and Kambo mostly yes. You can expect the traditional vomiting purge and/or diarrhea which is an integral part of the cleansing process both physically and energetically. Some people do not experience any purging but this is rare, while most experience either one or both. The more you adhere to the Ayahuasca diet pre-take the better you stand to fare with regards to the purge. For Bufo, Mushrooms and Cacao there is generally no purging.

Is there a special preparation process?

Yes, you must adhere to a special no-meat, preferably light diet, no alcohol or drugs and most all medications and supplements for the specific designated time of the plant-medicine you are taking. 1 month in the case of Bufo, 3-5 days minimum for Ayahuasca, Kambo and mushrooms. Additionally, there is an emotional/mental preparation that is covered during your individual and group sessions included in your package. You will be provided with a detailed preparation process prior to going on your trip.

Is there risk involved?

Yes. International travel alone has risks in itself. In addition, any type of healing modality, method or medicine has inherent risk that could be serious in nature. Any person considering traveling internationally and engaging in healing methods should do their proper research and understand the inherent risks of minimally being uncomfortable, potentially experiencing pain, physical discomfort, mental discomfort up to and including serious injury or worse. Traveling and engaging in these healing methods is strictly at the individual’s own risk.

Disclaimer: Some plant-based medicines are potentially illegal substances in some countries and their use is not encouraged where it is against the law. However, their healing purposes have been utilized for thousands of years in some communities and science is now beginning to recognize their potential for healing certain illnesses and conditions. You are encouraged to conduct your own research and no statements are made of a medical nature that suggests or guarantees any specific results or advice. These services being offered do not offer any illegal sale or use of substances, and no psychotherapy services are being provided. 


Decreases in Suicidality Following Psychedelic Therapy: A Meta-Analysis of Individual Patient Data Across Clinical Trials. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. Richard J. Zeifman, MAa,b; Dengdeng Yu, PhDc; Nikhita Singhal, MDd; Guan Wang, HBSce; Sandeep M. Nayak, MDf; and Cory R. Weissman, MDd,g,*

Psychedelics and Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy. The American Journal of Psychiatry. Collin M. Reiff, M.D., Elon E. Richman, M.D., Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D., Linda L. Carpenter, M.D., Alik S. Widge, M.D., Ph.D., Carolyn I. Rodriguez, M.D., Ph.D., Ned H. Kalin, M.D., William M. McDonald, M.D.,Published Online:26 Feb 2020https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ajp.2019.19010035

Ayahuasca and cancer treatment. Sage Journals. Eduardo E Schenberg. First published Oct. 21, 2013. https://doi.org/10.1177/2050312113508389


Book Your Experience

Are you ready for the healing experience of your life? Whether you want relief from trauma, physical pain, connect to your inner self, find your spirituality or simply expand your conscious awareness, you have found the right place to learn if plant-based healing methods are right for you.